Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The Beginning

“Nothing but juice and water for 30 days? Are you crazy and won’t you die?” or “Yeah right, good luck with that.” These are the responses that I have been hearing the last few days I have mentioned my little scheme to friends as a way of having a checks and balances system. Most everyone has asked why. To be honest I feel there are many good reasons to why a 30 day fast will be good for me. First, since high school I have put on 70 pounds and lost control of my body. I have been filling it with nothing but junk for the last eight years and am tired of being a slave to my own eating habits and lifestyles. Second, I feel the need to cleanse my body of those toxins and waste that have been building up for over twenty five years. I have not been the kindest to my body over the years and have struggled with both alcohol and tobacco addiction. And finally, 30 days puts me at Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent. A fast will ultimately be a test of my patience, my ability to pray, my determination, and my faith. And when Lent finally does roll around I should be able to undertake more serious and personal spiritual disciplines and lifestyle improvements in order to further me on my own spiritual journey. Please continue to pray for me as I begin this journey.

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