Thursday, January 25, 2007

Day 3

At about 7:15, a little while before my alarm was scheduled to ring, I woke up with pretty sharp pains in my stomach and some pretty bad indigestion. This fast must finally be working. After moving past the stomach pains, I really felt pretty good for most of the day. Here is day 3, and giving up food hasn’t quite been nearly as difficult as I anticipated. My sense of smell seems to have improved. The cafeteria downstairs at work smells unbelievable.

It sometimes helps to take that break in the middle of the day that I so much associate with eating too much. Today, I participated in our Holy Eucharist instead of going to lunch. The bread or Body of Christ was the first solid thing to enter my body in 3 days. The real challenge came at dinner as I sat around a bunch of the youth from the church as the enjoyed their cornbread, beef stew, and hotdogs, several times commenting on how great everything tasted. I managed to hold off and even had the energy after work to go see a movie although the smell of popcorn was almost over bearing. During the early evening, the stomach pains returned and I had what I felt was my bodies first attempt to begin the cleansing process.

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